YLA has championed the concept of children as rights-holders since our official inception in 1993. We have experienced and achieved much since our early days of operation when our rights-based approach to issues impacting young people was considered groundbreaking. YLA has accumulated over 30 years of expertise in listening to, advocating with, and facilitating access to justice for children and young people through the provision of free and confidential legal support. Our lawyers have expertise in the following areas:
Our small, mostly volunteer service works across three key areas in which it makes a huge impact.
We provide free and confidential legal advice, assistance and referrals to young people and their advocates. Anyone under 25 (and their advocate) can request and receive free and confidential legal advice through our innovative online service that is available 24/7. Through early intervention we seek to provide a solution to problems before they escalate. We are proud to provide this service to all children, young people and their advocates across Australia.
Our legal practice currently comprises of: the Harm Project, a practice that supports young people to disclose harm and seek help through an anonymous online chat; the Young Workers’ Rights Service, a specialist employment practice providing legal advice and representation to prevent the exploitation of young workers in the ACT, NT and NSW; and the General Practice, a generalist legal practice providing legal advice information and referrals to all young Australians, about any legal issue.
We monitor and advocate for the rights and best interests of young people in Australia. Youth Law Australia is a member of the Child Rights Taskforce, which is Australia’s peak children’s rights body made up of over 100 organisations. Through our role on the Taskforce, we assist in drafting and reviewing reports made to the UN on the state of children’s rights observance in Australia.
We undertake leading research, law reform and school-based legal education to empower young people. Through our research and education we have led positive legal and policy change on issues such as child marriage, cyberbullying, intimate image-based abuse and child protection information-sharing.
See our Projects page for more information.
Youth Law Australia is a registered charitable, non-government organisation and donations are tax-deductible. Should you or your organisation wish to support the ongoing work and the provision of services by the Centre, please contact us or make a donation here.
Youth Law Australia owes much to our supporters who contribute to our operations though financial and in-kind assistance.
Most notably, we thank the following organisations.
The Australian Attorney-General’s Department provides our principal source of recurrent funding.
King & Wood Mallesons are a regular and significant donor to Youth Law Australia. In addition to providing a full-time secondee solicitor, King & Wood Mallesons also partners with us in the Cyber Volunteer Program.
Youth Law Australia is grateful for the support it receives from the Faculty of Law at UNSW Sydney which includes the use of the Faculty’s premises and facilities.
The Young Workers’ Rights Service is funded by the Fair Work Ombudsman Community Engagement Grants Program.