There is no minimum age to start casual or part-time work in ACT. However, if you are under the age of 15, you can only do light work. This applies even if you are working for a family business. Examples of light work are:
If you are under 15, your parents will need to give written permission to your employer before you commence work.
There are limits on how many hours you can work each day depending on your age:
If you are under 15 years old, you cannot work more than 10 hours in a week.
If an employer wants you to work more than 10 hours a week (such as in school holidays), they need to contact the director-general at least a week before the work starts.
It is against the law for an employer to employ you during hours you are required to be at school. You cannot be required to do work that is not in your best interests, such as work that interferes with your schoolwork.
In addition to this, if you are under 15:
If you have any concerns regarding the hours that you work please contact us here.
You can work full-time when you turn 17 or when you finish year 12, whichever happens first.
You can also make an application to work full-time if you have completed year 10. To do this you or your parents need to apply to the Chief Executive of the ACT Department of Education and Training for approval. You will need your parent’s consent to do this (unless the Chief Executive decides that is not reasonable). For information on how to apply, click here.
You can visit our other factsheets related to work here:
For information and advice about your rights, entitlements and obligations as an employee, check out our other employment topics or visit the Fair Work Ombudsman website.
If you are 24 or under and you are unsure about your rights or responsibilities or what to do next, you can get free, confidential legal advice here.
If you have a problem or a question, you can send it to us today and we can provide you with free advice, information and referrals to help solve your problem. Just click on the button below.
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