
For free and confidential legal advice about vaping, contact us here. 

Vapes are used to smoke, and they are sometimes called e-cigarettes. They can come with or without nicotine. It is against the law to have a vape that has nicotine without a prescription in the Northern Territory. 

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Is buying vapes legal in the Northern Territory?

In the Northern Territory, it is illegal to buy (or have) a vape with nicotine without a prescription from a doctor. People who are 18 or over can buy vapes that don’t contain nicotine. 

If you are under 18, it is illegal for someone to sell you any kind of e-cigarette (it doesn’t matter if it contains nicotine, or not). It is also illegal for someone else to buy a vape for you.

Where can I vape?

It is against the law to smoke in a ‘smoke-free area’ in the Northern Territory. All enclosed public areas and workplaces are smoke-free areas. Enclosed public places are places that are open to the public, have a roof, and are mostly surrounded by walls (even if there are doors or open passageways).

Some examples of smoke-free areas are: 

  • Shopping centres; 
  • Restaurants, cafes and dining areas; 
  • Pubs, bars and clubs;  
  • Schools and universities;  
  • Community centres, halls and churches;  
  • Theatres, libraries and galleries;  
  • Gyms and sporting facilities;  
  • Hospitals.

You also can’t vape in some outdoor areas, like: 

  • Outdoor public venues (for example, outdoor cinemas or community events);
  • Outdoor cafes, bars and restaurants;
  • Outdoor public transport areas, like train stations or bus stops; 
  • On school or university grounds. 

Can I vape in a car?

It is illegal to smoke in a car if there is someone younger than 16 years old in the car. Smoking includes vapes as well as cigarettes. Police can give you a fine if you are caught.

What can happen if I vape at school?

Vaping is banned on all school grounds in the Northern Territory. This includes in school buildings, gardens, sports fields, car parks and entrance areas. However, some schools may have designated smoking areas, where you are allowed to vape.

If you go to a public school, you can’t smoke within 10 metres of the school premises.

Private and public schools may also have their own rules about vaping at school. If you want to know what your school rules say, you can ask someone at your school (such as a teacher or principal) for a copy of your school rules, or have a look on your school’s website. 

If you break school rules, for example by vaping, taking vapes to school or giving vapes to another student, then the school can take disciplinary action.   

If you are in trouble for having or using a vape at school, you can contact us for advice here. You can also check out our pages on suspensions and expulsions. 

More information about vaping

If you are thinking of vaping, it’s really important to find out about the health risks so you can make an informed choice. You can find out more on this NT Government page here. 

If you are feeling pressured to vape, or if there is anything else that is troubling you, you can contact the Kids Helpline for 24/7 free and confidential support. Their number is 1800 55 1800 and their website is here. 

If you want help to stop vaping, or if you have questions about vaping, you can talk to your doctor, a youth health service, or you can call the NT Quitline on 13 78 48. 

If you want legal help with a vaping problem, and you are under 25, you can contact us for free and confidential help here. 

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