Teenage girl with brown hair and a red beanie, looking pensively to camera

Every Voice Heard

The Advocates is a group of like-minded individuals with a shared vision – to provide children and young people with the legal support they need to face their biggest challenges. You can become an Advocate by donating $1,000 or more and stand with children and young people experiencing harm and exploitation.

Become an Advocate

Every year, hundreds of thousands of children and young people in Australia experience harms that go unseen.

By the time our young people have turned 25, 40% of them will have experienced physical, sexual or emotional abuse, neglect, or exposure to domestic violence.

And nearly half of those with a legal problem will not have their needs met.

Youth Law Australia is the only technology-based community legal centre that helps children and young people nationwide via phone, email, webform and live chat.

You can help give every child and young person in Australia access to free and confidential legal advice, by becoming an Advocate today.

Donate now

Youth Law Australia helps the largest number of children of any community legal centre in Australia

Our small team provided over 6,000 legal services to clients across Australia last year. But the number of children and young people reaching out for support far exceeds our current capacity, and nearly 3,000 a year – 60 kids a week – are not being heard. Will you help us answer every call?

Yes, I'll become an Advocate

Join The Advocates

You can join The Advocates as an individual, family or an organisation, and either through a major gift or a bequest. Depending on the level of support you choose, you’ll receive the below benefits. In all cases, you’ll be part of a movement to ensure that every child and young person in Australia has access to justice, and has their voice heard – thank you. 

The Advocates Levels of Giving

Join The Advocates

Need more information?

For more information on the impact you can have by becoming, an Advocate for children and young people, download The Advocates Case for Support.

Please also feel free to reach out directly to:

Matthew Keeley

Director, Youth Law Australia

[email protected]

0434 046 120


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